
Everyday all of us are surronded by promotion: we find it in television, in radio, in internet, in the mailbox… have you ever wondered what is the first step business make for get it to you?

Everything become with the copy strategy, the document where socities decide how and to whom show itself, and with which messagges, outlining the main characters of their communication.

Sembra semplice ma, al contrario, richiede delicati passaggi affinché possa diventare uno strumento comunicativo efficace e avere un ritorno dell’investimento fatto per crearla. Vediamo insieme tutti gli step:

First step: study a CLAIM.
The first step is to study a claim, which is a short sentence that will be impressed in customers’ mind.
An example we all know is “Dove c’è Barilla, c’è casa”.

In this sentence we can identify quickly also the target who society want to reach, the families. Communication wants to “hit” parents and sons who during the day gather together for meal and that share values as ordinariness and simplicity… in front of a good pasta dish (preferably Barilla!).

The claim therefor is a catchphrase, that must draw target attention, arouse emotion; you must be sure that you know meticolously your audience, keeping in mind data like habits, values and flavours.


Second step: promise & reason why
In second step the copywriter must find the promise and “reason why”.

Infact you must define why a customer should choose your brand rather than the competitors’ one(reason why) and which expetaction our marketing objects set out to meet (promessa).

Here is an exhaustive example:
Nike for the release of this new model of shoes, promises the best comfort with facilitated insertion. Why Do you choose it? Because unlike the other models, the advertising say that this product help children to wear their shoes on their own, without the parents’ help, making them feel more indipendent. Analyse the case history: we find the claim (Maximum comfort, in a moment), the promise (empower children) and the reason why (this shoes have facilited insertion, the other brand don’t).

That’s why your society must have a clearly immages of contribution that you eill give to your customers with your product and what makes you different from your competitors .


Third step: brand character & supporting evidence
What are the brand character and the supporting evidence?
Brand character is the set of value that brand support and that allow it to take a position onparticular arguments; the supporting evidence is the dimostration that brand promise has been respected and that there are evidence it’s true (studies, statistics and testimonial).

That’s look an example where we find they:

The make up brand L’Oréal, through this foundation, declares that people must have awareness of their imperfection and that “each woman must feel free to be herself without masks and constraints”.
For the product launch brand is not limited to show statistics’ data (supporting evidence) which confirm his quality, but use also testimonial of different ethnic groups and different types of skin for present the product;this evidence the sensibility and commitment of brand to satisfy needs of single customers and it rely to famous people for transmict his values (brand character).

In summary, for study an optimally copy strategy you must:

  1. Understand, study and identify in target audience and define the placement, that will be explained through claim;
  2. Be aware of contribution that your product give to customers and explain to he how your brand is different to the competitors with the main promise and reason why;
  3. Identify your values and support it with statistics, data and testimonial (brand character and supporting evidence), so that customer could perceive that, buying your product, share this value.

You need support to define your copy strategy?
You search a partners who helps you to analyse your competitors and implement an efficient marketing campain ?
Click here for tell us about your project!


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