
Nowadays the majority of Marketing uses by companies is conveyed on Social channel and Web.
For this reason, to elaborate good
 Marketing strategies, you should be focused on novelty and future trends. 

In this articol we will show you  4 trend of 2020 that will help you to have more following on social and… to defeat competitors!

 1. Talk… with images
A Research carried out by da Blogmeter titled “Italians and Social Media”, reports that users use more and more social who are focus on immages,compered to other channel that use only text.
Between social network the most used among young people there is Instagram, ideal for share important moments of life or follow the celebrities routine; then there is Pinterest, ideal as platform where search new ideas. Finally the new entry Tiktok, known also as musical.ly, social network chinese created to give free rein to creativity.

That will explain why business on social for B2C markets is a trend in remarkable growth in 2020.

2.Where immages fail…  Youtube take care
Youtube is the video platform most used all over the world, especially for leisure, gaither ideas, information, watch tutorial or descover “reliable” reviews; the other opinion, especially in thi historical period, it’s very important and influence the buyers’ choose.
Think that 90% of consumers say that search, read and compare some online opinion, both positive and negative, before put in cart products.

A real example is the incleasing of use to influencer marketing, that has the power to influence his follower decision of purchase because is regarded as an authority in his sector.
For pick up attention and positive opinion positive by users, will be important create contents with quality narrative and storytelling .

Did you know that… Google has decided to reward all those on web post quality contents and that more respect E-A-T (Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness) requirements both for the site and author.
We will briefly look at what stands for “Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness”:


  • The concept of EXPERTISE refers to the esperience author must demonstrate to have in that particular area, showed by managing similar cases in his professional career.
  • For AUTHORITATIVENESS we refers to the ability to be recognizable by community as espert in sector or subject treaty.
  • TRUSTWORTHINESS represent affidability, an element connected to site mission; Google wants avoid the pubblication of  false or inaccurate information or pages created only for make visibility or produce gain, without useful or educational purpose for user.

4. Focus on people
For create clearly and easy contents that will be learnt by everyone, you need to customise and optimize contents and languages in base on target user.

The information communication must be focused on defined consumer target. Should be find the correct tone of voice by analising your audience and competitors,and make a list of promoted product or service plus . Only in this way you could optimize communication and reach results.



In summery communication will be increasly focus on immages and quality contents; it’s for these reasons that create efficient communication strategies you needed specialists in the sector who help your business to communicate better to audience and to transform the user in customer. 

The SFUMATURE team offer himself to give you the proper support: contact us!



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