
SEO positioning and indexing are often confused, but there is a large and significant difference between them.


Search engines like Google store in their databases all the information related to a website.

Each web page corresponds to an address or URL that is “stored”. This process is called indexing.L’’indice di un motore di ricerca è l’insieme di tutti i siti web memorizzati e che verranno proposti agli utenti in base alle loro ricerche (query) e alle loro necessità (search intent).

Indexing is simply the presence of a website within the index of a search engine.


SEO positioning is linked to the visibility of a website or a web page on the SERP.

This last one corresponds to the page of the proposed results/sites after typing an online search. Usually a page consists of 10 results (sites/links/pages) excluding the advertisements of the search network.

Usually the positioning is higher if on the website have been implemented SEO actions or improvement for certain topics or keywords related to the business of the portal.

In concrete terms we aim to reach the first positions in SERP in relation to a certain keyword because you will have the possibility to receive more clicks, then more traffic to the site and consequently more contacts or conversions.

Some statistics reported by SEOZoom at the end of 2019 indicate the percentage of clicks based on different positions in SERP, below the data for the 1 and 2 position:

  • 30% of clic for a first position site during navigation from desktop
  • 26% of clic for a first position site during navigation from mobile
  • 16% of clic for a second position site during navigation from desktop
  • 16% of clic for a second position site during navigation from mobile

The following results, from the third position onwards, will receive a lower number of clicks.
The websites present from the second page onwards will almost never be displayed and even less clicked.


The first has as a requirement the presence on Google, while the second is related to achieving some position objectives within the SERP.

A website is indexed almost always, but if no improvements are made at SEO level it is not said that you position. Even more difficult is the fact that it can be positioned for keywords relevant to us.


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