

In this article we will try to explain in a “human” way what the Tag H1 is, why it is useful for the positioning on the search engines (SEO) and what are the main differences with the Tag Title. The latter is often confused with H1 and erroneously copied and duplicated.

Knowing how to use HTML meta tags, including heading 1, is useful for anyone who has anything to do with writing online. A correct use of tags in websites allows not only to better understand the content of the page to the search engine, but also to structure it semantically at the best for the user who is reading it.

What is the Tag H1

The H1 is part of a series of Meta Tags that are used in HTML code (hypertext markup Language). The latter was born for the formatting and layout of hypertext documents. It is the key document or the responsible of the structure and the contents present in the page. Through the HTML language you can insert texts, images, audio and video and link between them several pages.

Heading 1 has the task of informing the reader about the main topic of the web page, therefore anticipates briefly the topic that will be treated. On a technical level this tag is inserted inside the <body >, the body of the page, which in HTML code contains all the main contents that the reader will see.

Here is a practical example of the use of H1 on the Sfumature Agency website:

Esempio dell'uso dell'H1 per la SEO.

If the H1 can be considered a title of the page, other tags (H2, H3, H4, H5, H6) instead have the task of semantically structuring the page. H2, in fact, can be considered a paragraph, H3 a subparagraph and so on.


Questa This hierarchical structure of arguments facilitates the understanding of the subject treated to Google and allows a better readability of the text to the user. We can therefore consider the headings as an integral part of the user experience (UX) of a website

Difference between H1 and Title

The H1 tag and title tag are both inserted in the HTML of a web page, but the location in the code, the length, the use and the utility of each is different.

Foreword: can not be more than an H1 or a Tag Title for each web page.

Innanzitutto il tag title deve essere massimo 65 caratteri circa, mentre l’H1 può arrivare anche a 70.

As previously written, heading 1 is in the <body > of the page, while the title must be placed in the <head >.

Composition of a web page:

<html> encloses the whole page

<head >: contains a series of useful information for page management

<body >: contains the page elements

Esempio dell'uso del tag title nelle SERP di Google.
Esempio dell'uso del Tag Title per la SEO.

As you see the Title is also visible in the other left in the web page, but it is not shown in the pages unlike the H1.


The function is also different between the H1 tag and the title tag. The title synthesizes the key topic of the page that appears among the search results (SERP) of Google and is therefore an excellent help to increase the CTR or the frequency of clicks on our page by users. The H1 goes to anticipate to the reader, once landed on the page (that is after having clicked on the title in SERP), the topic of the speech.

These two meta tags must be different!

Optimization of the H1 tag

Here are some practical and very useful tips for optimizing the H1 of your web pages:

  1. Differentiate H1 and Tag Title
  2. Do not write an H1 too long, stay below 70 characters approximately
  3. Use keywords
  4. Making heading 1 distinguishable
  5. Use only one H1 per page

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