
Take part in fair requires for companies time and money so it must be profitable!

In this articol we’ll explain how to insert this events in your marketing plan and how Sfumature can help you!

Firstable you must define your goals infact fair could achieve different: enter in a new market, increase the brand identity, retail old customer or attract new customer. Therefore they should be classified by priority: this allow to understand what levers focused on and to quantify , at the end of event, if goals have been achieved.

Subsequently you must develop a successful communication strategy.
It’s important in this events engage customers as much as you can. There are different action that could help your society to connect itself with its interlocutors. One of these is to project a calendar of activities and a editorial calendar.

For create a calendar of activities need to include each day a different experience: talk, workshop, presentation of new products,business gadget o partnership, focused on show how could be used at best your product.

At this planning you have to associate also a editorial calendar in which to place the corporate communication to make day after day. You must define the timeline, the cintents and channel to use and to plan a social campain .

The website is an important channel for convey information and infact fair must have dedicated spaces: for example there is the landing page in which you could insert photo, video, free contents and press kit by which the visitor could understand how will be the experience in fair.
In addiction to Landing Page is important also CTA (Call-To-Action), that is the action studied to bring user to click on particular link;the most used is the inscription to newsletter or the suggestion to connect with  ufficial social channel,through whom user could be updated on event’s news.

Finally, for advertise optimally the fair to target audience, there are two strategies:

  • Google Ads, the advertising tool par excellence, will allow you to insert advertising space in search engine or partners’ site, reaching a specific target.
  • Campain of email marketing, by which you could communicate a custom email message whit customer and potential customers (that are managed by your own CRM – Customer Relationship Management), invite them to your stand and encouraging their partecipation to events… if you don’t want to be in Spam,read our articol!

Discover this and other services dedicated to you on our site www.sfumature.agency.


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